Sunday, November 30, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
crazy horse
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The stats...
Poppy Louise
November 9, 2008
2:36 pm
7 lbs 6 oz
19 1/2 inches

I realized earlier today that I haven't actually given Poppy's birth account, and I really want it documented. So here it goes..
Sunday, November 9, 2007:
As you all know, I had had it with the whole pregnancy business. I woke up with Minie Sunday morning, and while I was fixing her breakfast I made myself a little castor oil cocktail. I choked it down at about 8:30 am, and then went downstairs. While Minie played I pulled out my very dusty yoga mat, and attempted to practice some moves. Someone had mentioned in a comment on a post that some positions could help flip a posterior baby, and well to be quite honest, I was at the end of my rope.
It worked. By 10:00 am I was having fairely consistent contractions. We put Mins down for her morning nap, and between a warm tub and changing positions the contractions were slowly increasing for about 2 hours.. I was hopefull!! Until they died down at about 11:45 am. I thought that they were over with, and I was very disapointed to say the least. Minie woke up from her nap, and I very depressingly continued to try and get ready for the day. And then out of no where, at about 12:15ish, a DOOZY of a contraction hit. I crumpled to the bed in complete pain, with Minie giggling and trying to crawl on me (apparently she finds me quite humorous in agony), and the contraction would not end. Towards the end of it, I tried to get up off the bed, and I felt a very weird "pop", and then an urge to go.. well... pee. I rushed to the toilet, only to find nothing "gushing" out, and slowly got up. Dustin ran into the bathroom to check on me, and thats when the little squirt of fluid came trickling down my legs. MY WATER BROKE!!!!
I would have been in a complete state of bliss, however another contraction hit, and this one was twice as bad as the last. As if he didn't already know, I yelled to Dustin that it was time to go to the hospital, and everything after that is a bit of a blur. Dustin, in a crazed dash got everything packed and ready, and rushed us all out the door. My contractions were coming on fast and painful, and it turthfully was like a scene from a movie. He sped the whole way to the hospital, I was going crazy from the pain, and Minie was just mimicking all of my screams and gestures in the back... cute, but not so much in the moment. Dustin's parents met us in the hospital parking lot, and literally Dust dropped everything (yes, Minie still in carseat included) on the ground and ran me up to Labor and Delivery.
When we walked in the doors, I was experiencing yet another contraction, and Dustin had to get us checked in. Thank goodness the nurses took me seriously, and when I was finally put in a room things moved fast. We were officially checked into the hospital by about 1:15, and my epidural was placed probably by about 1:45. When I was checked in I was 4 cm dialated, and yes, my water had broken. In the shuffle of everything, Dustin had managed to keep my Mom and sisters in the know, and they all arrived right after I recieced my epidural. The nurse shuffled them all out of the room to place my cathetar, and while she was putting it in she discovered I was completely dialted, and ready to push. WHAT?!?
It took my 19 hours to get to thar point with Minie.. I was shocked. That was at about 2:00 pm.. she left to call my doctor, and 10 minutes later he walked into the room. I started pushing, and it just was so calm, and sooo different than my experience with Minie. I had invited my sisters and Mom to be in on the delivery, and they all came in and were there quietly offering encouragment. After about 4 good rounds of pushing, our beautiful daughter entered the world. It was surreal. I was so aware, and so involved, and she was sooo different than Minie. She cried immediately, and when they placed her on my belly after she was born, it was so incredible to feel her on the outside. Dustin and I stared in disbelief. How could she be here?? After all the waiting, she was here so quick... and I loved her SOO much.
To be a mom for the second time is indecribable. It is nothing like I thought. It feels familar, yet foreign... happy, and sad, and scary, and right.. and well complete. When I saw Minie for the first time I was over-taken with emotion. To know she was the big sister.. to look at her and see her as older, yet know she was my baby only 2 hours ealier. I felt proud, and guilty, and so, so, so much love. I just feel so much love for these two little girls that I have grown. They are both so unique... I am so blessed.
And that is all I can write right now. Poppy is hungry, and it is late. I could say so much more.. but I have to go be a Mama :).
Things are good... crazy, emotional, scary.. but good.
One last note.. Robyn was in the room, and so kindly took pictures of the delivery. They turned out incredible. I am so happy I have these pictures to remember this amazing experience with. Take a look at them...
She really did an insanely great job.
Thank you sister. I love you.
And thank you to everyone else who has called and shown their support. We so appreciate it.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Friday, November 07, 2008
Frustration STATION!
This post is completely pregnancy related, so if any of it's content bothers you, please stop reading :)
That is exactly how I feel right now. Wednesday afternoon I had what was to be my last OB appointment. My doctor told me everything was looking great, and that he would be suprised if I made it through the weekend. To back up his ever-so sure prediction, he gave me one hefty membrane stripping (I warned you) and sent me packing. Well, fast forward to late Wednesday night/early Thursday morning and whatever voodoo good ole' Dr.OB did to me seemed to have worked it's magic. I was in full out labor mode... My contractions were coming on strong, every 2-3 minutes and they REALLY hurt. After about 2 hours of no sleep (due to my not so great method of breathing through the pain.... I want to know who remembers these things?) Dustin thought we should head to the hospital. He didn't need to ask twice.. I am not cut out for labor pain.
So we loaded all our gear and a very tired Minie into the freezing car and drove to the hospital. Once we got there Steve and Alice rescued Minie, and Dustin and I headed up to L&D. At this point I was far from okay with the contractions I was experiencing, and by the time I was taken to a room and checked in I was already bordering insanity. They hooked my up to the monitors, agreed that I was having some decent contractions and said it was just a waiting game... if the contractions were changing my cervix at all, I would stay.. if not I was getting the boot.
You can guess what went on from there. For over 2 hours I sat, rocked, and walked through terrible contractions. I know it sounds dramatic, but they were intense... and all in my back. But of course, they were doing NOTHING! My nurse wasn't very sympathetic, and couldn't wait to get me out the door. All she could offer me was a shot of morphine in the hip for pain, and a not very inviting invitation back to Labor & Delivery when I was in "real" labor. OHHH... And when I told her invite or not I would be back there soon, I had a scheduled induction set for Monday, she had the nerve to say, "Yeah, well good luck... You and about 50 other women. It doesn't seem likely".
I hate that woman.
So here I am back at the ranch, insanely miserable. My contractions did infact die down, but what else do we expect with a massive shot of morphine??? I am getting them just enough to be tediously uncomfortable, and I have just about had it with this whole pregnancy business. Sere.... It just ain't pretty in the end. At this point a bullet in the leg seems more pleasant, and definately a lot quicker. To top things off, my sweet-heart nurse did inform me that she was pretty sure sister-bear here is posterior, and OP babies (as they like to refer to them as) take twice as long.. thatlabor can go on for days. AWESOME... days.
So let's give one big HOORAH! for me.
This post is completely pregnancy related, so if any of it's content bothers you, please stop reading :)
That is exactly how I feel right now. Wednesday afternoon I had what was to be my last OB appointment. My doctor told me everything was looking great, and that he would be suprised if I made it through the weekend. To back up his ever-so sure prediction, he gave me one hefty membrane stripping (I warned you) and sent me packing. Well, fast forward to late Wednesday night/early Thursday morning and whatever voodoo good ole' Dr.OB did to me seemed to have worked it's magic. I was in full out labor mode... My contractions were coming on strong, every 2-3 minutes and they REALLY hurt. After about 2 hours of no sleep (due to my not so great method of breathing through the pain.... I want to know who remembers these things?) Dustin thought we should head to the hospital. He didn't need to ask twice.. I am not cut out for labor pain.
So we loaded all our gear and a very tired Minie into the freezing car and drove to the hospital. Once we got there Steve and Alice rescued Minie, and Dustin and I headed up to L&D. At this point I was far from okay with the contractions I was experiencing, and by the time I was taken to a room and checked in I was already bordering insanity. They hooked my up to the monitors, agreed that I was having some decent contractions and said it was just a waiting game... if the contractions were changing my cervix at all, I would stay.. if not I was getting the boot.
You can guess what went on from there. For over 2 hours I sat, rocked, and walked through terrible contractions. I know it sounds dramatic, but they were intense... and all in my back. But of course, they were doing NOTHING! My nurse wasn't very sympathetic, and couldn't wait to get me out the door. All she could offer me was a shot of morphine in the hip for pain, and a not very inviting invitation back to Labor & Delivery when I was in "real" labor. OHHH... And when I told her invite or not I would be back there soon, I had a scheduled induction set for Monday, she had the nerve to say, "Yeah, well good luck... You and about 50 other women. It doesn't seem likely".
I hate that woman.
So here I am back at the ranch, insanely miserable. My contractions did infact die down, but what else do we expect with a massive shot of morphine??? I am getting them just enough to be tediously uncomfortable, and I have just about had it with this whole pregnancy business. Sere.... It just ain't pretty in the end. At this point a bullet in the leg seems more pleasant, and definately a lot quicker. To top things off, my sweet-heart nurse did inform me that she was pretty sure sister-bear here is posterior, and OP babies (as they like to refer to them as) take twice as long.. thatlabor can go on for days. AWESOME... days.
So let's give one big HOORAH! for me.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Still no baby.
Why do they (babies in general) act like it's okay to run on their own schedule?
I only associate with beautiful people..
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