Sunday, May 30, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010

it has been over a month since we have spent 1 weekend at home, and reeAlly i am starting to feel the wear and tear. as is the blog.
i do apologize.
where to begin?
we might be moving to st. george.
i hate to announce this publicly,because really nothing is for sure... and i know dustin as you are reading this are cringing.. but what can i say? it feels like i am cheating on the blogging world by leaving this monumental, albeit somewhat personal event out of the loop.
so yes, we just returned from yet another visit down to dixie, and although i am excited about the change.. i would be lying to say i wasn't scared.
how are we going to sell this house?
how am i going to leave behind my friends, family, AND the gregory's?
can i handle the heat? literally?
will robyn and bob truly like us being there?
will i miss a "big city", yummy restaurants, and shops?
will i have friends?
will it be home?
ugh... it sort of gives me a knot in my stomach. a good one.. but a knot non the less.
to be realistic (which i'm never really great at) nothing is official. tomorrow everything could change. life may just go on as is, and i will probably will feel silly for even mentioning this.
but i can't help it. this secret must be let out.
i need the encouragement, the well wishing, and written documentation for a few years down when this happy predicament most definitely will repeat itself.
i just wish i could look into the future for just a second.
i've mentioned my anxiety before right??
tonight it's a doozy.
my oral surgery scheduled for tomorrow morning isn't helping any... but i still feel like the possible move is the main factor on this one.
this blog is boring.
i am even so tired of seeing my europe post, i throw up just a little every time a click on by.
in a desperate need to update i am here with not much forethought.
therefore, you get this...
a post that is a tad rambly, and extremely unorganized.
what can you do?
here a few pics from the last couple of weeks.
perhaps we should just stay home 7 days straight, and life will feel more in control??
who knows...

we were waiting to get into the ReAL soccer game, and started taking posed "blog" pictures.
we were supposed to be looking chic.
dusting apparently missed the memo.
no.. we don't normally do this. i think after europe we were just used to whipping out the camera when all else failed.
i'm posting it because it's one of about 5 pictures we have of the two of us in the past 2 years.
we should be better about that.
plus, our hair matches exactly.
precious, really.

it's kind of a big deal.
AND she looks fab-u-lash with her new bling.
i adore her.

i know i am officially a mom when it much more annoys me rather than bring joy to find the girls so blissfully entertained.
they l.o.v.e it.
me says every night of it grows old,
real quick.
but they did look especially cute this particular evening.
i think it was nannie's tub.

i'm thinking about growing her bangs out.
what do you think?
this day i braided them back to give it a whirl.
i can't decide which i like better.
bang or no bang???
you tell me.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
ready, set, go...
are you ready to be bored yet??
the following post is like 3 billion pictures of me prancing about Belgium and Holland.
and well, let's be honest... by about the 4th picture in you are going to have already clicked back to your home page.
plus.. don't count on any witty commentary.
i am far to jet-lagged up for such frivolities tonight.
so with out further ado..
our trip to Europe:
the following post is like 3 billion pictures of me prancing about Belgium and Holland.
and well, let's be honest... by about the 4th picture in you are going to have already clicked back to your home page.
plus.. don't count on any witty commentary.
i am far to jet-lagged up for such frivolities tonight.
so with out further ado..
our trip to Europe:

room service offered emergency medical in addition to dental care.
you never know.

charming street performers could be found every 5 steps. these were some of my favorite.

but whoa.. i was mostly just creeped a bit by it all.
however, these paintings were incredible... and huge.

it was beautiful, and apparently one of the only few of his works located outside of Italy.

the biking situation in Holland is insane.
seriously.. every one, and i mean everyone rides a bike.
it is kind of incredible, and definitely a site to behold.
i for one adore it and have officially decided a bike for me will be purchased in the near future...

turns out i forgot that she actually was in Holland the whole time she was in hiding.
how pleasantly surprised i was to "remember" and was able to walk through.
it was really moving to walk through and see...
and even crazier to think it happened only 60 years ago.

scouts honor i have no recollection of taking this picture.
dustin promises he didn't snap it either.
naturally this lead us to the only conclusion of her family kidnapping my camera.
either way..
Thank You.

we rented bikes and rode all about the city, i dung my bell as often as i could, and tried to pretend it hasn't been 10+ years since i have ridden farther than a block on two wheels.

a street in the red light district.
i also didn't realize that the "Red Light District" actually truly was because of the red lights.
i'm quick on the uptake like that .
i was expecting a lot more nasty..
let's just say i was in Vegas a month ago.. and it makes Amsterdam look like child's play.
perhaps it would be different at night though??
i don't know.
we are done.
it was an amazing 10 days. but i missed my girls to the moon.
i couldn't wait to get home to them. 10 days felt like 10 years. honestly.
they seem so much older, and cuter, AND much more needy for their mama.
i still cannot thank my family enough. MOSTLY my perfect mama for watching the girls and making this trip possible.
hopefully in a few days they will stop addressing me as nannie, and i will be able to sharpen up on my mothering skills. it's amazing how quickly those can fly out the window.
Dear Europe,
Stay beautiful, stylish, and charming until i can come back one day.
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