Saturday, September 24, 2011

good times

 now you may think of September and think school,
fall leaves, 
crisp apples, 
and cooler weather.
all good things.
but here at the Jackson joint our close of summer is never complete until the fair.
oh the state fair...
everything that is wrong and severely frowned upon within society presents itself in one gloriously disgusting stretch of land in the wrong part of town.
 how could we not attend?

last week we grabbed our favorite groupies (da Gregs) and made our way to the Fair.

after this greeted us upon entrance we thought not much else could top.
deep fried butter? hmm...

 we were proven wrong.
so, so wrong.
about 12 steps up we came across this.
take a better look. yes. right there at the 3 by 2ft plywood box.
there awaited you"little linda".
she was for real. while our celebrities were writing gut wrenching hits about the disaster in Haiti,
our fellow Fair friends were snatching up refugee little people and forcing them to a life human exploitation. it's wrong.
despicable maybe..
we were the first in line to see her.
uh oh...
it was every bit as disturbing as it looks, sounds, and feels.
i'm so ashamed.
but maybe the best dollar spent in while??


luckily a trip on the ponies and a fair themed photo-op brought us to a safer more comfortable state of mind.

and then the night ended just right,
kennan and dusin took the ride of their lives on the mechanical bull.

oh yes.
fall can now come.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

first day

well finally...
school days have come!

minie's preschool doesn't start till about 1-2 weeks after
school begins for the rest of the functioning world and those couple of weeks are always
the final nail in the coffin.
do you appreciate how i have only experienced one semi-school year to date
yet i talk like a seasoned vet?
me too.

my name is brooke,
and i am more than happy to see my daughter leave for school.
some parents cry..
i silently cheer.
what does this depict of myself? probably if i wanted to do a little soul searching,
the results may not be in my favor.
but let's be honest.
school is a happy place in the jackson family.

and really, i can't be the only one to blame. minie lives for her school days.
i feel like it should be a good thing. i know one day the tables will turn,
so until then let's enjoy it... right?
maybe kindergarten will tug a little more..
it doesn't seem likely.


but always and forever i love this mello- dramatic tootse
after all, she is quite cute.

here is to day 1...
and the beautiful 170 to come.