let me just preface this post with saying that i am so over winter... i am fighting some serious winter blues, and wish to the very fiber of my being that spring would just come early.
living in Utah always means a late winter, so tuesday minsie, poptart, and i just decided to deal with that fact. we headed down to nannie's for our first snow day, and of course kennan, jude, and pretzy joined us. i have found that my only key to surviving life with two babies is to get out of the house. it breaks up my day, always gaurentees a good nap, and somehow keeps the girls on a more structured schedule... go figure. Anyway... Minie it absolutely in love with her darling little snow suit, and these wretched hand-me-down moon boots from jude. she is always dragging them out of her closet and trying to dress herself in her winter attire. i thought that because of this little habit, she would adore playing in the snow. i have infact caught her a couple of times shoeless, and sockless enjoying herself a little beligerent snow time. i knew that combining these two loves of her would be a major succes.
of course, as par for course.... i was proved wrong.
the second i had minie adorned, she immediately toppled over in a fit of whining. when i let her down in the snow, she flopped to the ground and cried. in her defense, she was bundled pretty tightly.. but what could i do? it was freezing!
after about 10 minutes of coaxing and watching jude frolick about, she finally attempted movement and actually succeeded in standing upright by herself. she was so proud of herself she even took a few steps, and by the end of our play she had warmed up mediocrely to it all. she can be so moody.
i love that smoosh.
loves me that coat.
OK Well first of all why are there NO other comments on this hilarious Post? Of COURSE Minie could not navigate well-she was bundled up like she was going to play the part in "A Christmas Story!" Poor thing! Love to see the sister gumbiness in the snow-Oh to be young again and be able to frolic in the snow like that without peeing in your snow suit!
Brooke, I'm hurt you have not asked to borrow my white, pink and blue parka with the matching hat!
Maybe I will wear it if I'm invited to your's and Kennans next snow day!
I love your guys new snow clothes.. thank you santa for bringing them................. in 2000
those pictures of you and kennan are amazing!! I am sad that I missed it in real life...
okay and HELP my new camera is killing me!!! (i know ask you for WAY to much help but...) how do you not constantly have fuzzy pictures. I mean your kids can be still the whole time can they? they surely do move while you snap photos...how are they soo perfect and not blurry?? Is it your lens? And I retarted with my camera (which might be)???? I am beyond frusturated!
Thank you 2002 Olympics for K's attire and BTW, Minie's snow attire had a mind of it's own. Jude however was made for the season...even if he will be wearing those snow pants through Jr. High. You girls really know how to frolic and capture it on film! So glad I was on baby duty. XOXOXO
WTH I hate when I miss these days! Get out of the snow and down here to me.WE could get some great action shots at the sand dunes! Hurry, run, I will count.....Why aren't you two running?
wow, i am a lucky man.....
Ummm, yah--I'm echoing Robyn's comment. C'mon down and enjoy the sun! (But give us a few weeks- let this crazy rain/snow/slush/wind pass first)
I have to say I keep coming back to look at these pictures....the first on of Kennan is AMAZING....I love the nostrils....
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