Sunday, June 06, 2010


ahh... life is just better when the weather decides to cooperate. we have been taking full advantage of the budding summer, and have had several festive meanderings.
i've decided the trusty snap and shoot is indeed my good friend, and believe it or not,
the girl's lives are even more photo documented than before.
impossible? no.
incredible? perhaps.

so here you are.. a snippet of some fun we've had:

going to see the Dinos never disappoints.
neither do minie's new red cowboy boots.
NOR her princess posing.

there are truly no words...
smoosh her to pieces. that's all i can do.

whoa... in the midst of all the gallivanting about, i also managed to squeeze in a little oral surgery.
dentists see my mouth, and their eyes start to glow with the dollar signs.
here i am two days post surgery, looking very puffy.
dissolvable stitches are dis.gus.TING

this is my cute friend michelle.
we love michelle.

now then..
that was fun, wasn't it?

happy summer!


kennan said...



p.s. lets let poppy runaway at the zoo again.

Pam said...

Thank you...I need documentation when I can't go along! So glad you are having a great summer so far!! XOXO

Sister Judy said...

Love your hair! It looks great. and Holy tongue Kennan! Long lost relative of Gene Simmons haha!

Pam said...

I'm just amazed at both Poppy and Mins...amazing1

Heather Lee said...

so fun seeing you the other day. I can't wait to see that little dress on Minie. PS where is your other earing in that photo? Maybe you already explained, I will go back and see.