Saturday, July 10, 2010

when swimming gets wild..

i double dog dare you to try jump from the highest point of an olympic platform.
because, as you can i see i now have experience..
and it was down. right. frightening.

kennan dared me.
how could i say no? if you have the chance.. hit up cottonwood heights. you won't be disappointed.

please note my screaming children in the background. minie was terrified i was "falling down from the roof" flapping her arms in hysterics, while poppy was screaming because she herself wanted to go for a dive in the deep, deep end.
kennan's laugh also helps set the mood.



kennan said...

for the record....

i would have done it if it weren't for my current condition.

oh and... it was funnier in real life.

Pam said...

Too bad she didn't get the part where Minie was hollering "be careful, Mommy!!!". You and your sister need to quit traumatizing your children with your double dog dares! XO

Robyn Lamoreaux said...

Okay I laughed so hard watching this. The jumping was fine. The Minie in the back ground wailing and Kennan laughing is what made this hilarious. Poor Minie. I'm with mom, quit traumatizing your daughter. :)