Thursday, June 26, 2008

i'm sad

this time next week my girl is going to be one and at the moment it has me quite down. she is my boo bos and i can't believe how old she has gotten.

i thought she was so big when i took these (7 mo)......

...but let's all just remember.

oh, that sweet strawberry head...... *sigh*

i can be a little sad, right?


Leslie said...

Ben turning one was a big deal for me too. It seriously seemed like over night he all of a sudden went from being a baby to a big boy. It's crazy how much they change in just a year. You'll be snuggling a newborn again before too long though ;)

jayni & ben said...

Um.. She could not be cuter. I love that you are always taking pictures of her. she looks cute in all of them.

Pam said...

It HAS gone sooooo fast! And the next years will go even sad and so wonderful. XOXO