Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Minie Moo...Scary Moo

Last night, us girls were all down stairs enjoying a little lounge time while Dust was upstairs cleaning up the dinner dishes.
Poptart was kicking ever so innocently on a blanket, Minie was piladging through any fateless item that chose to cross her path, and I was just *relaxing (relaxing?? really, who relaxes with an 18 month old in the room?)on the floor next to Popps...(possibly being distracted for the eensiest bit of time by the new season of The Bachelor ;) ) , when out of no where flys a small, yet very powerfull fist of metal snowflake. The dang thing came crashing down on to sweet Poppie's face... a little love smack (if you will) from big sis . Anyway, She OF COURSE started screaming immediately. And I am not talking your run of the mill cry, these were the 40 second wind up doozies, the breath holders, the cries that give us all fare warning, that baby is about to explode.
And explode she did. She turned three shades of purple, and cried SO hard, for SO long that she puked. Meanwhile, Miss Mins thinks this is absolutely hilarious, and just continues to repeat "Baby! Baby! Baby!". Dustin rushed down stairs to save his girls, and found little miss destrution red handed. She was awarded a spanken, and her first trip to time out... "and he meant it!"

Of course Crazyhorse was forgiven, as truly she didn't have a clue she was hurting Poppy. But honestly!!! The girl is crazy busy, and we are all a little frightened. Poppy is now sporting a pretty good lookin' bruise, and some impressive swelling to boot!
And that ladies and Gentlmen is what we call a 16 month age gap...
we pray that Poppy will make it out of her first year alive :)
And believe you me... I'v got many more stories where that came from..

Crazy girl...
I Love you...

And little Miss Popps....

I love you so much my girl.

You are my main squeeze, and I will always be there to protect you smoosh.




Pam said...

Oh my...the first of many boo-boo's Miss Poppy will probably receive at the hand of big sister. What do you do???? OXOXOXO

farmgirl said...

I had an orthopedic surgeon tell me once (while he was stitching my two year old's finger back on) that kids are basically plastic. Let's hope for Poppy's sake that it's true. Good thing babies are resilient and toddlers are irresistibly cute.