Tuesday, April 06, 2010

my easter post

let me preface this post by saying easter this year was good.
it was just slightly.. shall we say manic?
seems to fit.

so first of all.. some high notes:
. conference this weekend?
well if i were kewl, would say,
was off the hizzy.
but i don't feel particularly comfortable with that, so let's just say i enjoyed it. a lot.
combine all of that with a holiday weekend, and really i can't complain one bit.

.the girls absolute excitement over their target dollar bin laden easter baskets.
.truly and most suprising, understanding the depths of poppy's love for candy.
.and how could i forget minie's middle of the night wake-up call to let me know that "da easter bunny doesn't like minie. he no come to our house. i 'fraid".
.the girl's immense adoration for the new mega-powered bubble machine.. and my midnight wal-mart run to fetch said item. i had bought one earlier.. but upon setting things up quickly realized i was jipped $15 in form of darling Hello Kitty and her bubble blowing abilities.
bottom line... stick with the orginal.

. these girls in their adorables.

'nuff said.

.this dula.
i love him. cute little rat that he is.

. and oh yes... these girls.

what were the bad points you ask??
well let's not delve into that here.
i will say that if i never have to have another political discussion with my husband and family again, it will be too soon.
AND i promise to be nicer when i am hungry with whining kids.
snow go away.

ahh, well.

happy easter!


the holmans said...

love your post.. the girls are simply delish!!! awwe you gotta love politics, do you think the talk on conference was talking to all of us who get all worked up over this subject!!! "its okay to disagree, but not to be disagreeable"

take care my dear

Nate and Paige said...

Well if you just stick with the adorables you easter was simply dashing!

ps what did you do to duke's hair?

Darcie said...

those pictures are SOO darling Brooke. Love those cute girls.

andrea said...

oh gosh. Gorgeous pictures. Gorgeous dresses. Gorgeous girls. Sigh. Who are you anyway?

Pam said...

Let's focus on the positive...the girls were/are ADORABLY AMAZING! And the food was good too. Love you all (and that includes Dustin!). XOXO

Eileen said...

I am amazed every time I see the pictures you take. I dream of taking a descent picture. I have got to practice for when my grandbaby arrives! Thanks again for the clothing tips!!

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